This is Amy Carder's Blog. She'll post lots of thoughts here about church life, home-schooling, raising four, make that five kids and all of the other craziness that our life together throws at us.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Through the Tube

Two days ago I saw the Queen of England! She waved, I waved; we had a moment.

London is a lot of work. I just can't imagine being a commuter there every day. Both days we went there was trouble with the Underground (subway). Yesterday it took us about 3 hours to make a 45 minute trip! Did you know it's the second most expensive city in the world, only behind Tokyo? Yeah, so plan well and don't waste your time on the Tube!

The English countryside is beautiful. Crazy big, old houses everywhere. Today we saw a huge old cathedral in Ely (pronounced ee lee, just like in Nevada).

I'll post some pictures as soon as I can get them downloaded.