This is Amy Carder's Blog. She'll post lots of thoughts here about church life, home-schooling, raising four, make that five kids and all of the other craziness that our life together throws at us.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Know your parental rights!

Please take a few minutes to look over the website, You will be amazed at some of the rulings judges in this country have made regarding parental rights. Parents need to stand up and protect not only our children but generations to come. Take special care to read how international law is creeping into our courtrooms.


Parental Rights Amendment Introduced!
Contact your Representative today and urge them to support the Parental Rights Amendment.

The Parental Rights Constitutional Amendment bill has just been introduced in the House of Representatives! Our bill number is H. J. Res 97. Rep. Pete Hoekstra introduced the proposed constitutional amendment which is designed to preserve and protect parental rights from future erosion. Preserving parental rights for generations to come is an issue that concerns every parent across this nation. That’s why now is the time to get your Congressperson to support this vital bill.

The introduction of the Parental Rights Amendment signals the opening of an important discussion in Congress. So we encourage you to begin engaging Congress on the issue of parental rights today.


You can contact your member of Congress here.

Write, call or email with a short message urging your member of Congress to stand in support of H. J. Res 97, the Parental Rights Constitutional Amendment. Encourage them to contact Rep. Pete Hoekstra to add their name to a list of potential Co-Sponsors.

And look for more updates as we move forward with this vital effort!


Kristin Wright
Deputy Director


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