This is Amy Carder's Blog. She'll post lots of thoughts here about church life, home-schooling, raising four, make that five kids and all of the other craziness that our life together throws at us.

Friday, May 02, 2008

This is all so confusing

SAN ANTONIO — A judge ordered that the baby boy born to a teenager taken from a polygamist sect's ranch in West Texas be placed in state custody, according to documents released Thursday. and get this...they only SUSPECT she's under 18! But they took her baby anyway!...."The girl has claimed to be 18 and based on a bishop's record used during the custody hearing two weeks ago, she would be 18 now. But officials believe she is younger and placed her in foster care with other children taken from the ranch."

So now I guess CPS will go around to every under-aged mother in the state of Texas and take her baby if her baby's daddy is over the age of 18. This all just seems a little crazy to me? I guess I just don't understand why all these mothers are being punished. My heart aches for these woman who have had their children ripped away from them.

I understand that something should be done if their are crimes being committed. But this all seems a little crazy to me. How about remove the men from the compound, let the women and children remain and then sort it all out. Why are the women and children loosing their homes? I realize they live differently from the rest of the United States but that's not a crime.

Some Texas Facts:

In Texas it is legal to get married (with parent permission) at 16. It is not illegal to have sex with your wife, even if she is under the age of consent.

I was born in San Angelo, Texas.


Blogger Greg said...

Hey Amy
This whole thing has been crazy. Even though I have not had much time to post stuff to my blog... I did write this about it. It's really so not American. Scary stuff.

And. I didn't know you were born in TX. :-) Thought you were OH folk. :-)

2:35 PM


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