This is Amy Carder's Blog. She'll post lots of thoughts here about church life, home-schooling, raising four, make that five kids and all of the other craziness that our life together throws at us.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Rain and more

Just a few random thoughts....

It rained tonight, but only in our front yard. I know that it has to end somewhere, but that was just totally weird. The sad thing is our back yard needs it more than the front.

We went to an awesome poker/Birthday party Friday night! Thanks to all who were there, you know who you are.

Life is going pretty good here. We have about 3 months left in this terrific weather before we move across the world to freeze our booties off. Why doesn't the Air Force have a base in the Bahamas?

My brother and his family are well settled in. John is still looking for permanent employment but I’m sure something will happen soon. I am enjoying living with them. My nephew is so pickin’ cute! Living with them has been so easy. John and I have yet to fight—that’s amazing!

Well, now you’re caught up. If there is anyone out there (who actually reads this) who could tell me how to add my friends’ blogs to my page, I would appreciate it.


Blogger MrH said...

Hello. When you find out how to post your friends on your blog, please let me in on the secret. I don't know how either. I understand that this might not be so helpful, but know you're not alone in your ignorance. Oh and by the way, we loved having dinner with you and your's the other day. You all are so awesome! When you all leave we will be awaiting your return.

10:19 AM

Blogger Gregg Stokes said...

I will come over and add your friends to your blog. All it will cost you is a cup of coffee.

1:57 AM


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